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The Sample Collection

JDO elevates The Glenlivet’s prestige with the design of The Sample Room Collection

JDO, the award-winning international agency that creates belief, has supported its long-standing partners at Pernod Ricard in the design of The Glenlivet’s Sample Room Collection. In elevating the brand’s equities, the bottle and packaging showcase the iconic whisky’s renown credentials with a touch of understated luxury to support The Glenlivet’s growth in the Prestige tier. The initial launch will take place in China at the end of this month, followed up with a global release in 2023.

As creative guardians of The Glenlivet brand, JDO knew that the design for The Sample Room Collection needed to be distinctive and refined, yet also unexpected, representing the brand’s reputation for exceptional quality whilst reflecting its inspirited drive to move things forward and set new standards.


“As other whisky brands cling to tradition, The Glenlivet embraces creativity as a way to evolve with the discernible, yet curious tastes of the next generation of whisky drinkers,” comments Malcolm Phipps, Associate Creative Director at JDO. “Our design strikes the balance between respecting the brand’s equities and reimagining them to elevate The Sample Collection into the Prestige Tier and signal that this range offers something different, new and special.”


The Glenlivet mark is singularly set against a luxurious rose gold background that has been subtly textured with patterns inspired by the brand’s heritage. These patterns are disrupted by The Glenlivet’s smooth flowing curve in bold colour, which creates a unique holding shape to communicate the distillation and maturation details of these rare, limited batch expressions. 


On the bottle, the brandmark along with the age statement is etched onto the glass, and cut only by a simple, elegant label in rose gold and an antique medallion displaying The Glenlivet’s founding date. The powerful use of turquoise and cobalt blue on both the bottle and outer packaging gives the design a thoroughly modern feel, breaking category conventions with an infusion of energy and intrigue.


“The Sample Room Collection offers whisky lovers a chance to experience The Glenlivet in a whole different light, giving them a thrill as they unearth the complexities of these ultra-premium single malts,” comments Paul Drake, founder and Executive Creative Director of JDO. “Our design brings that experience to life with packaging that is elegant, elevated and exciting, yet still authentically grounded to what sets The Glenlivet apart – a legacy for originality that never settles.”

Speyside single malt The Glenlivet has evolved its 21- and 25-year-old whiskies with new double and triple cask finishes.


Originally published in FAB News 

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