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VP, JDO New York

What makes me tick? Learning new things and meeting new people. I guess that’s why I love being in the design agency world.

One day I could be learning about the techniques of making the finest whiskey; and the next day learning about our skins natural bacteria to optimize face creams, and get to meet all the incredibly smart people along the way.

Obsession with exercise and TRX, if I don’t do it I turn into a wicked witch.

Weirdest saying “Life’s too short!” Life is THE longest thing any of us do from the moment we’re born to the moment we move on.


Three facts: I've been to 38 countries; My first pet was a gibbon; I passed my driving test fourth time and my Australian citizenship exam (far harder) 100% first time. Need a ride?

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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