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Self expression without limits

JDO rebrands BIC’s BodyMark range to champion self-expression without limits



International design agency JDO has rebranded BodyMark, a range of cosmetic-grade temporary tattoo markers from BIC. With fresh energy and confidence, the new design breaks category conventions to deliver powerful standout as it invites young creatives to express themselves without limits. 

JDO was briefed to develop a new identity for BodyMark that elevated the sub-brand from other products in BIC’s portfolio with a premium, cosmetic aesthetic whilst retaining the leading stationery brand’s overarching positioning as a provider of simple, reliable choices for everyone, everywhere, every time. 

Striking a balance between the love of creativity and the need for simplicity, JDO’s rebrand of BodyMark provides a distinct, yet flexible canvas that will help the BIC brand stand out, branch out and inspire. 

The bold new wordmark energises the brand with newfound confidence whilst fresh, vibrant teal makes the range pop out on the shelf. Pack photography features a diverse range of ‘tattooed’ arms to spark creativity and celebrate the freedom of adorning your body with drawings and designs. Though lively and bright, the new look also maintains an uncluttered simplicity which lends itself to limited-time campaigns so young creative consumers can make their mark for Pride, Halloween and beyond.

“I believe that everyone at some time or another has had the urge to turn their skin into a canvas,” says Ben Oates, Group Creative Director at JDO. “BIC’s BodyMark provides an outlet for this very personal form of self-expression with its fantastic range of products. In designing the identity and packaging, we really wanted to show that this is not just another stationery product, but an incredibly special and unique creative tool that beauty fanatics, body artists, aspiring illustrators and everyone in-between can use to unleash their imaginations.” 

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