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Raising the brand profile from bottle to bar

Raising the profile

Cool innovative branding? That calls for a…

JDO has partnered with Denmark’s most famous export for nearly 20 years. In fact they were among our very first clients when JDO was just a fledgling agency. With ambitions to become the world's fastest growing beer company, Carlsberg have invested significantly over the years to diversify and reposition their brand.

Project by project, we revitalised Carlsberg’s proposition to celebrate its heritage and values while inspiring today’s young, active and adventurous drinkers. 

  • Client: Carlsberg
  • Year: 2003 onwards
  • Location: Global
  • Categories: 2D, 3D, Brand Identity, Innovation, Animation, Production, Design for Manufacture

The pivotal project was the design of a replacement for the classic Carlsberg Vichy bottle, leading to the birth of the new 'Profile' bottle, a strong, contemporary design built on the brand's iconic beer credentials. This non-orientated bottle with a single label ensured cost savings without sacrificing branded presence, and added tactile appeal as a benefit.

After the huge success of the profile design, our work expanded across the whole global portfolio as brand and innovation partners, refining the corporate identity, colour world, and designing the iconic draft fount, glassware, bar livery and POS.

The swoosh of the Carlsberg tail, transformed into a three dimensional brand signature has become a strong and flexible equity for the brand; the new tap in particular becoming a true ‘Jewel in the Crown’ and dramatically improving standout, recognition, and premium positioning. So much so, that there's been double digit growth of Carlsberg in Ireland since the rollout of our new livery. 

Our bottle design and many of our assets now complement the international face of Carlsberg and continue to make great waves by appealing to loyal customers and new audiences alike.




Carlsberg wouldn't be where it is today without the profile bottle. JDO significantly changed the face of our business.
Sven Langeneckert, Marketing Director, Carlsberg

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